Film Family Photographer



A porchtrait is a family portrait full of personality. On your porch, in your yard, the verandah, wherever outside is at your home. Could be your front door. You get it. “Family” is whoever you want it to be. Couples, singles, throuples, friends, roommates, pets, extended family, etc.

A porchtrait costs $300 and includes the high resolution file and a print.

A porchtrait takes about 30 minutes and you don't have to prep your place for it. “I'm not like that.” Bare feet? Great. Glam and bare feet? You do you. Think about possessions in your life that mean something to you. The items may represent places traveled, people loved, hobbies, challenges, achievements, and memories.

Porchtraits are for those wanting to capture their life and identity as it is right now. Who you are and what you're about. Something as important now as it will be for future generations.